Singhania University Tue, 19 Mar 2024 07:14:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Singhania University 32 32 Embracing a Human-centred Approach to Generative AI in Higher Education Fri, 15 Mar 2024 08:09:23 +0000 Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, higher education institutions are increasingly turning to generative artificial intelligence (AI) to innovate...

The post Embracing a Human-centred Approach to Generative AI in Higher Education first appeared on Singhania University.


In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, higher education institutions are increasingly turning to generative artificial intelligence (AI) to innovate teaching and learning methodologies. Generative AI, which includes algorithms capable of autonomously creating content, presents exciting opportunities for personalized learning experiences, enhanced efficiency, and broader access to education. However, to fully harness the potential of generative AI while safeguarding the well-being of students and educators, it is imperative to adopt a human-centred approach. This article explores the principles and benefits of embracing a human-centred approach to the integration of generative AI in higher education.

Ethical Design

At the core of a human-centred approach lies ethical design principles. Universities must ensure that AI systems are developed and utilized in a manner that upholds human rights, promotes fairness, and mitigates potential harm. This involves addressing biases in algorithms and datasets, ensuring transparency in decision-making processes, and safeguarding user privacy. By prioritizing ethical considerations, higher education institutions can build trust and confidence among stakeholders, fostering an environment conducive to responsible AI integration.

Empowering Users

Empowering students and educators to understand and engage with AI technologies is essential for successful integration. Universities should provide opportunities for meaningful engagement, soliciting feedback, and facilitating user involvement in the design and implementation of AI systems. By empowering users to take an active role in shaping their educational experiences, institutions can ensure that generative AI serves as a tool for enhancement rather than a source of disempowerment or alienation.


Accessibility is another critical aspect of a human-centred approach to generative AI in higher education. It is essential to design AI-powered tools and resources that are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities or diverse learning needs. This may involve developing user interfaces that are easy to navigate, providing alternative formats for content, and incorporating features that accommodate different learning styles. By prioritizing accessibility, universities can create inclusive learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of their student population.


Generative AI holds the promise of personalized learning experiences tailored to individual preferences, goals, and learning styles. By leveraging AI algorithms, universities can create adaptive learning systems, intelligent tutoring systems, and recommendation engines that cater to the unique needs of each student. Personalized learning experiences not only enhance student engagement and retention but also promote deeper learning and academic success. Through personalized AI-driven interventions, higher education institutions can optimize teaching and learning outcomes, empowering students to reach their full potential.


Rather than viewing AI as a replacement for human educators, a human-centred approach emphasizes collaboration and partnership between humans and AI systems. Educators can leverage AI-powered tools to automate routine tasks, provide personalized feedback, and facilitate interactive learning experiences. By working together with AI systems as partners, educators can enhance teaching effectiveness, improve student engagement, and foster a culture of innovation in higher education. Collaboration between humans and AI systems enables universities to leverage the unique strengths of both entities, maximizing the benefits of AI integration while preserving the human touch in education.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous evaluation and refinement are essential for ensuring the responsible use of generative AI in higher education. Universities must monitor AI systems for unintended consequences, address biases and ethical concerns, and adapt algorithms and processes. By prioritizing continuous improvement, institutions can ensure that AI systems remain aligned with their educational goals and values. Through ongoing evaluation and refinement, universities can optimize the effectiveness and ethical integrity of AI-driven interventions, enhancing teaching and learning outcomes for all stakeholders.

Education and Training

Education and training are essential for preparing educators and students for the responsible use of AI in higher education. Universities should provide opportunities for digital literacy skills development, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making related to AI. By equipping students and educators with the necessary knowledge and skills, institutions can empower them to navigate the complexities of AI integration effectively. Education and training initiatives enable universities to foster a culture of responsible AI use, ensuring that AI technologies are utilized ethically and effectively to enhance teaching and learning experiences.


In conclusion, embracing a human-centred approach to the integration of generative AI in higher education is essential for realizing its full potential while safeguarding the well-being of students and educators. By prioritizing ethical design, empowering users, prioritizing accessibility, promoting personalization, fostering collaboration, prioritizing continuous improvement, and providing education and training, universities can harness the power of AI to enhance teaching and learning outcomes in ways that are inclusive, personalized, and responsible. As higher education institutions navigate the opportunities and challenges presented by generative AI, let us ensure that our efforts remain centred on the principles of equity, transparency, and human dignity.

The post Embracing a Human-centred Approach to Generative AI in Higher Education first appeared on Singhania University.

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